Let’s introduce you
to your mushroom pickers
Meet the Team
Family owned.
My name is Derrick and I was first introduced to picking mushrooms back in 2001 with some friends. My first experience ever was in the mountains behind Chase that same summer. I remember making a couple hundred dollars and returning back to Merritt BC (home at the time), to gather supplies, shower, and show my mom how much money I had made haha. It was so much fun that I remember choosing to stay picking and camping instead of attending my prom and graduation ceremony.
Since then, I have picked morel mushrooms in the Yukon, all across our beautiful province of BC, several locations throughout Alberta and through the Northern sections of Saskatchewan.
I’ve paddled across lakes, hiked up and over large mountains, lost picking partners overnight, had run ins with bears, almost been struck by lightning, met amazing people and created so many other incredible memories mushroom picking.
I honestly look forward to picking each and every year and it makes me so happy that I can share my findings with you. There is just something amazing about being in the forest, working your own schedule, forgetting the stresses of every day life. I think it’s a time to unwind and relax with some of the most nonjudgmental people known to exist (other fellow mushroom pickers).
Thanks for taking the time to read through my website. I’ve went ahead and added some images of past experiences I’ve had while on the mushroom circuit down below. I hope you enjoy :)
My sidekick and I
I have been exposing my son to the forests since a very early age. We spend quality time together in the mountains as much as we can. His first real mushroom picking began in 2020. He did so well picking fiddleheads he was able to purchase himself a brand new bike!
It’s about spending quality time together, doing what we love to do
2020 on the morel hunt
Just trying to be like daddy <3
Follow the leader

