Cauliflower Mushroom

Also known as Sparassis

  • Fresh Cauliflower

    The shelf life of fresh Cauliflower mushroom is very short and you should consider yourself lucky if you get your hands on some. Use in place of egg noodle for your stroganoff dishes

  • Dry Cauliflower

    It’s just as good as fresh!
    Simply add some to your favorite soup or stews. It has a great mild flavor and the shelf life is obviously
    much longer

  • Medicinal

    Cauliflower is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine because it contains active pharmacological ingredients. Experiments suggest sparassis contains many biological properties including anti-tumor, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-inflammation. Feel free to browse Wikipedia for further reading


One could walk dozens of km’s and not find a single Cauliflower mushroom. They do not grow in patches like other mushroom species nor do they re-grow in the same location each season.