We Harvest Our Pine Mushroom in the Most Remote Areas of BC

  • Fresh

    From the forest floor to your plate within 24 hours. We doorstep deliver to a select few locations in NW BC. See our store for delivery locations or contact us for bulk international orders.

  • Dried

    Each pine mushroom is hand picked by myself, cleaned then cut and dried with low temperature wood heat. Pines dry at a ratio of approximately 1:9.

  • Seasoning

    We got you covered for all your soup and stew needs. We have pine mushroom seasoning finely grounded ready to be added to your soups. Check out our store for more information.

pine mushroom also known as matsutake

During pine season

Many other mushrooms grow as well. Some days, it is very possible we will find more of every other mushroom than pines. Each mushroom has its own unique flavor and medicinal purposes.

In this image, we have pine mushroom, cauliflower, bears tooth, hedgehog and the famous yellow chanterelle.

Beautiful view

Had to take this image

This was a proud moment for me! After several days of hiking and hiking, I finally was able to find my very own pine mushroom buttons.

Pine mushrooms go great with many dishes and have a cinnamon like scent that is very unique.

Often, pine mushrooms grow beneath thick, green moss which makes them very difficult to find and harvest.

After the rainstorm

pine mushroom seasoning is a great addition to your soups and stews

Pine Mushroom Seasoning

Pine mushroom seasoning will store for a very long time in the proper conditions. We recommend storing away from heat and in a cool, dry location.

Add some of this seasoning to your winter stews to make it even more hearty.