smudging with diamond willow fungus

Preparing Diamond Willow Fungus

Diamond willow fungus can help with migraine pain, anxiety, panic attacks, toothaches and sinus infections. Follow these instructions to help with your ailments.

For migraine pain relief and sinus infections, simply burn a small chunk. It’s recommended to inhale the smoke directly at the source through your sinuses. Throw a towel over your head to help inhale more of the smoke if needed.

To purify your home and relief from panic attacks and anxiety, burn a small chunk and let it smolder in the room you’re relaxing in or smudge with it.

For treatment of toothaches, take a small chunk of diamond willow fungus and submerge it in to warm water. The diamond willow fungus will absorb some of the water and its this water you want to squeeze out and apply to the area of the mouth that is in pain. Repeat as necessary. Then apply the diamond willow fungus directly to the tooth in pain and leave it there and it will continue to help subside the pain